The Uncoolness of Tesla – Who Will Benefit?

Not so long ago, Teslas were pretty cool cars to own. OK, they were never for everyone. But if you wanted to be in the vanguard of electric motoring, own something different, enjoy melt-your-eyeballs performance and swish around in an ultra-minimalist interior, there wasn’t much competition. And Tesla owner Elon Musk? He was Tech’s shiniest… read more

The Speed Camera: Essential Road Safety Tech or Cynical Cash-Grabber? Part Two.

In Part One of our article, we showed how the public have got mixed feelings about speed cameras. The majority think that our photo-snapping, fine-issuing friends do save lives. However, a substantial number also think cameras are put in places where they will generate cash for the authorities. Our conclusion in that post was that… read more

The Speed Camera: Essential Road Safety Tech or Cynical Cash-Grabber?

Last time, we finished our post on five types of UK speed camera and how they work with this old and thorny question: are speed cameras a vital part of our road safety measures? Or are they, as some motorists suspect, primarily there to gather revenue for the government/local authorities/police forces? In this two-part post,… read more

Five UK speed cameras explained

The UK authorities just love speed cameras. There are around 7,000 surveilling our roads – the fourth largest number in the world. They come in a bewildering variety of shapes. too, with no fewer than 18 different types ready to record your transgressions. In this post, we’ll meet five of the most common ones, with… read more

Old vs young – who are the safest drivers?

Is it open season on drivers over 60 at the moment? There’s the research study into standardised assessments for ‘mature’ drivers, slated to run until 2027. There’s the increasing number of reports submitted to the DVLA about older drivers. And a recent survey found 80% of drivers were in favour of voluntary driving tests for… read more

We’d love to see you in 2025. Here’s our 2024 customer feedback.

Happy New Year to all of our customers past, present and future – and our readers too! Hopefully, your 2025 New Year’s Resolutions will include: Cutting down after eating 40,000 calories a day Finally decluttering that room that’s become a dumping ground Giving up those unhealthy habits, and this time you really mean it Bringing… read more

It’s the WVS World Driving Christmas Quiz!

For our last post of 2024, test your knowledge of driving in different parts of the globe with our Super-Duper Christmas Quiz. We’re not clever enough to cover up the answers, so they are down at the bottom of the post below Santa. Off we go… Round One: Six Great Roads of the World Just… read more

The driving test logjam that’s a gift for scammers

Across Wales, England and Scotland, the average wait time for a practical driving test is four-and-a-half months. How long?!? In this post, we look at how we got in this mess, how scammers are using it to exploit learner drivers, and how you can protect yourself. What caused the driving test logjam? In a July… read more

Sick of traffic? Here’s why adding new roads almost never works.

Traffic jams: we all hate them. From regular rush hour tailbacks to Bank Holiday horror shows, how many hours do we waste in nose-to-tail queues, bored out of our skulls, half-hoping for a zombie apocalypse to clear the streets? If only there was another road to ease the pressure. If only the government would get… read more