Our easy tips for safer driving

No one sets out in their car thinking that today, on this particular journey, they will be involved in an accident. Car accidents always happen to someone else. Until they don’t, and it’s you. Now, we’re not trying to make anyone paranoid about the dangers of driving. After all, the UK is one of the… read more

car accident

VW Group Summer news round-up

There has been plenty happening at our favourite giant automotive group recently. For your delectation, we’ve picked three that caught our eye. Now Volkswagen bring you safer jam Ah, the holiday traffic jam. With your ETA out of the window, kids getting restless and only the brake lights of the car in front to look… read more

VW front grille

Volkswagen’s vision of the future

We’ve seen the future, and it’s toaster-shaped. At least, that’s what the Volkswagen Sedric concept car looks like to some. But the unfamiliar shape only hints at its revolutionary nature — because the Sedric is Volkswagen’s vision of a fully autonomous car. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G20J6MdW75c Wave goodbye to car ownership? Like the idea or loathe it, self-driving… read more

Does your car really say anything about you?

There is a global surplus of people willing to judge you according to what you drive. We’re not so sure anyone should be listening. Apparently, all our possessions say something about us. Buying avocados means you’re middle-class. Owning a cat is a sign you’re a hipster. Aged forty-plus and own flip-flops? You’ve given up on fashion…. read more

Time to spring clean your car – seven quick tips

It doesn’t seem five minutes since we blogged that it was still winter, and we were exhorting you to make sure your car was fully equipped for bad weather. But now, spring is most definitely in the air and it’s time to prepare for the new season. Now that there’s actually some daylight in which… read more

spring cleaning car

It’s not spring yet – six tips for driving in winter

With the mornings starting to get lighter, it may feel like spring is just around the corner. Now’s the time of year when many motorists become complacent about driving conditions. But make no mistake, winter has some significant implications for you and your vehicle. Winter isn’t kind to drivers or their cars. Wear and tear… read more

Audi in snowy conditions

MOT approaching? Don’t wait for your tyres to let you down

In our last blog post, we revealed that nationally, only 62.1% of vehicles pass their MOT test first time. According to our calculations, that means that a staggering 11 million motorists need their vehicles retesting each year. As many won’t be able to get the work done immediately, that’s a lot of inconvenience for a… read more

MOT testing and tyres

Five surprising MOT statistics

As a registered MOT centre, we know MOTs inside out. But we’re always willing to learn more. That’s why we put our research elves to work finding out some MOT facts and figures – with some results that surprised even us. Let’s see how much you know about this great national institution with five key… read more

Welsh Vw specialists - MOT centre

Charging ahead: VW Group to help build lightning-fast charging network

What are the two main factors holding back sales of electric cars? Far above any other concerns, we reckon that it’s the range of the vehicles and the availability of charging points. Now the VW Group are participating in a major project to tackle the charging point infrastructure. While electric vehicles (EVs) are already a… read more

Welsh VW specialists - electric care recharging