Autonomous Cars — Four Big Pros, Four Big Cons.

Technology is the unstoppable locomotive, thundering down the tracks to destinations unknown. When it comes to driving, the last twenty years have seen the rise of infotainment systems, viable electric cars, built-in GPS systems that actually work, and much more. But that’s nothing compared to what’s coming next. In a few weeks, if new driving… read more

While you’re not looking, driving regulations are changing

The media has had an awful lot to cover in 2021, and not much has changed as 2022 gets underway. As Covid continues to dominate news coverage, some other stories aren’t getting get much of a look in. Take, for example, changes to UK driving regulations. A host of regulatory updates are quietly making their… read more

The Motorists’ Gadgets We Would Really Like For Xmas 2021

This time last year, we posted our drivers’ Christmas wishlist, consisting of the gadgets we really hoped someone might invent. Twelve months on, and sadly, not one of our items is currently available. Exactly what are scientists playing at? Not making life easier for the motorist, that’s for sure! Anyway, we’ve come up with five… read more

The Many Pros and Cons of the Great E10 Switch – Part Two.

E10 petrol is already here and well on its way to becoming the default option at the forecourt. Not everyone is a fan, to say the least. In Part One of this article, we saw some of the problems associated with this higher ethanol blend. This time, we’ll look at the arguments in its favour…. read more

The Many Pros and Cons of the Great E10 Switch – Part One

    Whenever we cover a motoring issue on our blog, we like to give both sides a fair hearing. Whether it’s smart motorways, traffic reduction schemes or motoring tech, there’s always more than one perspective to look at. That’s certainly the case for E10 petrol. For supporters, this greener fuel is essential in helping… read more

VW Group News Round Up, Part Two

In Part One of this article, we did a quick tour round the recent news for SEAT and Audi. This time, it’s the same treatment for Skoda and Volkswagen. Skoda At the time of writing, Skoda is facing some major production problems. The company announced a few weeks back that it would ‘significantly reduce or… read more

Not an Eco-Warrior? You can still cut your driving emissions — Part Two.

  Blimey, what a difference a few weeks makes. Since Part One of this post was published, the UK has seen full-on petrol and diesel shortages, with queues, punch-ups on the forecourts, and petrol stations running dry. Things seemed to have calmed down for the moment, but the situation remains precarious. So, faced with the… read more

Not an Eco-Warrior? You can still cut your driving emissions.

So, how do you respond when someone tells you it’s about time you reduced your car’s carbon footprint? Roll your eyes, stick your ear buds in and wait for them to go away? Go off on a rant about Chinese power stations? Tell them you’ll start when they stop buying a new iPhone every year?… read more

Our Pick of The UK’s Best Autumn Staycation Drives

Over the last eighteen months, we’ve seen the rise and rise of the staycation — or what used to be called holidaying in your own country. In fact, one of the very few upsides of the pandemic has been thousands of Brits falling back in love with the UK. Yes, the weather’s always dodgy and… read more

“Wait, how do I do this again?” How deskilled driving became a thing.

Lockdowns and work from home have seen millions of people worldwide taking an enforced break from driving. Now, as restrictions ease and return to work kicks in, they’re faced with piloting their pride and joy through traffic that’s returned to pre-Covid levels. It’s like a gigantic, real-life memory experiment. For many people, the break from… read more